Di Renjie: The Soul-Crushing Nightmare


简介:The city of Chang'an is haunted by a series of mysterious murders, and the crime scenes have one thi
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天天影视第一时间收录高清《Di Renjie: The Soul-Crushing Nightmare》并提供免费在线观看。《Di Renjie: The Soul-Crushing Nightmare》上映于 2020年,是一部中国制片出品,由贺刚,张佳琳,朱佳希,张春仲,甘婷婷,朱宏,曲家辉,沈凯,于洋等主演的动作片,。
The city of Chang'an is haunted by a series of mysterious murders, and the crime scenes have one thing in common - seven large words written in blood:"Abolish the empress, a new emperor rises." The rumors spread quickly, raising doubts among officials. To calm the hearts of the people and stabilize the governance, Empress Wu ordered the minister of the Court of of Judicial Review, Di Renjie, to solve the murders within five days. Chief Eunuch Song Yi assigned Liu Yiyi of the Shenyu Department to help him with the case. The two secretly competed to solve the case faster than the other, but they kept running into obstacles in their investigation. They were even almost injured by General Baitong, whose body suddenly came to life at midnight. The mastermind behind the scene is a powerful figure, and the mysterious masked man and the dancer from southern Xinjiang seemed to bear ulterior motives. Di Renjie and his associates are increasingly hampered in their investigation. As the five-day deadline draws nearer than ever, can Di Renjie uncover the real culprit behind the case?天天影视不参与《Di Renjie: The Soul-Crushing Nightmare》的影视资源制作、录制、上传与存储,当前播放线路分别由网络资源网采集。有关《Di Renjie: The Soul-Crushing Nightmare》的后续高清完整版本资源会陆续放出,敬请关注。

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